what is onedev #
Onedev is a powerfull devops platform, provide the git server with CI/CD, kanban and package management.
" OneDev is by far the best tool I've used in my career as a software engineer. It allows my team and me to easily keep track of tasks and code, create in-depth reusable pipelines for our CI/CD, enforce role-based branch protection, provide highly-detailed code reviews for pull requests. And that's just to name a few things. Huge thanks for creating something so awesome!
- Joshua Norman, Hassem Prag"
Quick start #
- run below command on WSL/OSX/Linux to start OneDev in docker mode:
1docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(HOME)/onedev:/opt/onedev -p 6610:6610 -P 6611:6611 1dev/server
- visit (onedev portal)[http://localhost:6610] to setup onedev.
- create or select a existing code base
- sync local code with onedev git server:
1git remote add origin http://localhost:6601/my-app
2git push -u origin main