Google IDX development environment

· hhao99's blog

After long enough period waiting, finalluy I granted access IDX.

What is idx #

Project IDX is the google entirely full-stack development environment in the cloud, it provide the familiar development experience with local dev with vscode.

Enroll with IDX #

Just visit Google IDX and login with google account, join the waitlist and wait google to appove.

I was int the waitlist for more than 6 months and finally can use this services.

Customize the workspace #

IDX utilize the NIX to customize the development enironment, if you have some experience with NIX and it is very easy to start the development with IDX. Don't worry, there are a lot of templates for the frontend, backend and mobile development, mostly can meet your enviornment's requirements.

Code with AI #

The Most important part of the IDX is that it integrated with Google Gemini AI services, code with Gemini will improve your code efficency and productivity.

Deployment #

Google has firebase deployment platform, IDX has integrated with Firebase.